Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Remembering Redcliffe: The Power of Dreams!

Third Grade Memories: The Power of Dreams! 

Webster defines the word journey as an act or instance of traveling from one place to another. My travels led me back to a very special place filled with memories, moments of triumph and challenge. My heart will always have a special place for Redcliffe Elementary. I started my career as a third grade teacher there in 1999 and it seems like yesterday that I walked into my Mobile 15 classroom ready to change the world! Today, I walked back into the building and reunited with many of my students who are ready to make their mark in the world! Over the years I've had opportunities to cheer my students on at sporting events, band competitions, high school graduations,  and be with them for moments of joy and times of sorrow. Recently, I witnessed a student from my first class graduate Summa Cum Laude from USC Aiken! Todays reunion gave me an opportunity to catch up with students from each of my classes! In this group, I have future nurses, an archeologist, scientists, journalists, psychologists, cosmetologists, engineers, individuals serving in the military, and at least 2 future teachers! One of my male students told me today that he has now switched his major to Elementary Education! It's moments like this that remind me of the joys of our profession and the difference we can make through our careers! Every child deserves someone who believes in them and wants to see them succeed! Education is about the power of human connection- the power to grab hold of dreams and watch them soar!  I'm thankful to have started my professional teaching journey at Redcliffe and for the opportunity to return home today! The faculty and staff are truly amazing!  I'm already looking forward to planning our next reunion!